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Brand name: PrintGenesis

Slogan: “Empowering Creators, Shaping the Future”


Three years ago, Eric Buckman, a talented engineer from DJI, embarked on a journey to revolutionize the world of 3D printing. Driven by a passion for innovation, he founded PrintGenesis with the dream of creating a 3D printer that would stand out in the market.

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PrintGenesis Logo

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Overcoming challenges and fueled by determination, Eric and his dedicated team spent 22 months perfecting their design. During this time, they meticulously tested over 700 prototypes and printed using 3 tons of filament. This unwavering dedication led to the first milestone, unveiling a groundbreaking 3D printer that redefines precision, speed, and reliability. PrintGenesis is the embodiment of innovation, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, and empowering the creators of tomorrow.

Then we have : PrintGenesis Apex

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The Apex boasts a sleek, futuristic design with a compact footprint, making it suitable for both professional and home environments. Its matte black metal frame, accented by blue LED lights, gives it a modern, sophisticated look that captures the essence of innovation.

Some amazing work :

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Dust-free factory : more than 800 workers busy preparing our new 3D printer.

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Meet our production team:

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Meet our R&D team:

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Brand Vision: To become the leading innovator in the 3D printing industry, empowering creators worldwide to transform their ideas into reality while fostering sustainability and driving technological advancements.

Brand Mission: PrintGenesis is dedicated to providing cutting-edge 3D printing solutions that inspire creativity, enhance productivity, and promote environmental responsibility. We strive to empower individuals, businesses, and educational institutions to achieve their full potential through accessible, reliable, and user-friendly 3D printing technology.


Welcome to PrintGenesis, the trailblazers in 3D printing technology, where innovation meets sustainability. Our cutting-edge 3D printers, designed to empower creators across the globe, have redefined the industry with a unique blend of precision, speed, and reliability.

Founded by Eric Buckman, a visionary engineer from DJI, PrintGenesis was born out of an unwavering determination to revolutionize the 3D printing landscape. Our commitment to excellence, backed by years of rigorous research and development, has resulted in a line of groundbreaking products that cater to individuals, businesses, and educational institutions alike.

At PrintGenesis, we believe in the power of creation and the importance of environmental responsibility. Our state-of-the-art 3D printers not only facilitate the transformation of ideas into tangible realities but also incorporate sustainable practices, such as our filament recycling system.

Join us in shaping the future of 3D printing, as we continue to innovate and provide the tools needed to unlock the true potential of creators worldwide. PrintGenesis – Empowering Creators, Shaping the Future.



最后,希望大家多多用AI, 打算5月底深圳组织一下AI 跨境实战使用分享专场,有对AI用的比较深的私聊我!

Say my name!

内容广告 - 谷歌关键词广告的唯一出路?

老王-公众号:一个想做品牌的推广 更名:海外营销王师傅


知乎:eric wong ( https://www.zhihu.com/people/eric-wong-10 )


个人微信号: marketingshuoeric


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上一篇 2023年4月6日 下午4:03
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